Ben Norris


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The Wireframing Book

A new book is coming out soon, and it will be a fantastic resource to anyone wanting to build better software. Written by Michael Angeles, Leon Barnard, and Billy Carlson, this will share knowledge and insights from some of the best in the business.

Wireframe book

A product design book written for everyone on a software team, regardless of size or configuration. See how wireframes can help teams design better together and learn how to design and communicate better by focusing on structure instead of pixels.

You’ll want to sign up to be notified when it’s available on the Balsamiq website.

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  • 4 min read
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Feature requests have been one of the most consistent experiences in my many years working in software. Everyone has an idea how your stuff should work, and many are keen to tell you. The way you understand and respond to those requests shows a lot about how you view others and yourself.

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