Ben Norris


My primary personal flavor of OCD is scrupulosity. I explain it as perfectionism with the constant threat of eternal damnation.

In practice, scrupulosity looks like having rules for everything, and feeling intense distress if they are not followed. Many decisions or actions are over-moralized, and there is a “right” way that things must be done.

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🧠 Learning to swear

🧠 Learning to swear

One aspect of my OCD recovery has been learning that swearing is ok. While my goal is not to be constantly profane, I am not a horrible person if I curse. And neither is anyone else who does.

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🧠 Mental illnesses exaggerate

🧠 Mental illnesses exaggerate

As I have experienced, learned, and shared about mental health, I have become convinced of two truths that are extensions of the same idea—mental illnesses exaggerate. On the one hand, mental illnesses blow things way out of proportion. And on the other hand, we all experience a degree of most mental illnesses—the diagnosable forms are merely natural responses carried too far, or activated in the wrong setting.

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🧠 #58: Civil War

🧠 #58: Civil War

It started out as enjoyable and relaxing, but mutated to lock up my brain and take over my life. This update is my story of confronting the Marvel Civil War.

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🧠 #51: A piece of peace pizza

🧠 #51: A piece of peace pizza

Someone close to me was sharing her feelings last week. While not terrible, things were difficult for her. I told her that I hoped she could feel at least a piece of peace. Her near-immediate response was, “A piece of peace pizza.” I knew right away that was the title of my next update.

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