Ben Norris

The OCD & Anxiety Treatment Center

The OCD & Anxiety Treatment Center is where I underwent weeks of exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy as part of my OCD recovery.

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Practicing ownership

In addition to being an emotional roller coaster, this week was a wake up call for me. It was a good exercise in extreme ownership. And I saw clearly where I need to improve.

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🧠 Learning to swear

🧠 Learning to swear

One aspect of my OCD recovery has been learning that swearing is ok. While my goal is not to be constantly profane, I am not a horrible person if I curse. And neither is anyone else who does.

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🧠 #51: A piece of peace pizza

🧠 #51: A piece of peace pizza

Someone close to me was sharing her feelings last week. While not terrible, things were difficult for her. I told her that I hoped she could feel at least a piece of peace. Her near-immediate response was, “A piece of peace pizza.” I knew right away that was the title of my next update.

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